The Smokey Mirror

The Smokey Mirror is a concept from Don Miguel Ruiz's book The Four Agreements. It refers to the idea that the way we see ourselves is like a reflection in a smokey mirror. Just like smoke can distort a mirror, our self-image can be distorted by the beliefs and judgments we've acquired throughout our lives.

By becoming aware of the Smokey Mirror and recognizing the beliefs holding us back, we can begin to clear the smoke and see ourselves more clearly. We can start to question our assumptions and beliefs and become more conscious of their impact on our lives.

One way to use the Smokey Mirror is to practice self-reflection and self-inquiry. Take some time each day to sit quietly with yourself and ask yourself questions like:

  • What beliefs am I holding onto that are no longer serving me?

  • What judgments am I making about myself and others?

  • How can I let go of these beliefs and judgments and see myself more clearly?

Another way to use the Smokey Mirror is to be more mindful of the stories you tell yourself. Whenever you feel triggered or react to a situation, ask yourself what story you're telling yourself about it. Are you making assumptions? Are you seeing things clearly, or is your perception clouded by the Smokey Mirror?

By using the Smokey Mirror as a tool for self-reflection and self-awareness, we can start to see ourselves more clearly and live more authentic, fulfilling lives. The next time you're feeling stuck or unsure of yourself, remember the Smokey Mirror and take some time to reflect on your beliefs and judgments. Who knows what kind of magic you might discover!


The Power of Awareness


The Smokey Mirror Excerpt