The Space In Between

The Space In Between meditation, by Don Miguel Ruiz, is about finding those quiet moments between your thoughts and breaths where you can truly connect with yourself. Imagine these moments as a sanctuary within you, a peaceful escape from the business of everyday life.

In this space, you can let go of the beliefs and habits that cloud your perception of reality. It's a place where you can see things clearly, without the distortions of stress or judgment. By spending time in this tranquil space, you allow the illusions and limiting beliefs to fade away, revealing your true, unconditioned self.

This meditation is about being present. It's not something you do, but rather a state you embrace. When you focus on the pauses between your breaths and thoughts, you tap into a deeper level of awareness. These moments are like windows to your soul, offering a glimpse of your authentic self.

As you practice, you might encounter fears and doubts. These are natural and part of being human. Recognize them, but don't hold on to them. Let them pass through you like clouds in the sky. In this space, you are the vast sky, and your fears are just temporary clouds.

Through this practice, you'll start to feel more aware and at peace. You'll find it easier to respond to life's challenges with clarity and calm rather than reacting out of stress. The Space In Between becomes a source of new insights and creativity, helping you see the world and yourself in a fresh, clear light.

Embracing the Space In Between is a journey inward. It's about exploring the quiet, still places within you where you can find your true self, full of love and wisdom. This practice helps you live more authentically and gracefully, aligned with your deepest truths.

Take time to explore the Space In Between. Let it be your guide and your refuge, a place where you can reconnect with the essence of who you are. In this sacred space, you'll discover the beauty and power of your true self, ready to shine in the world.


The Power of Awareness