Ancestors & Altars

Who are our ancestors? They are the souls who walked the Earth before us, leaving footprints that shape our existence. They overcame hardships and found joy in simple pleasures. Their legacy whispers truths to us, reminding us of our inherent power and the support that surrounds us. By honoring their memory, we tap into a deeper source of wisdom and strength, recognizing the continuity of life and the impact of our lineage on our present and future.

Our domestication is deeply rooted in our ancestry. Reflecting on the lives of our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers, we can't help but wonder: What trials did they face? What societal norms did they challenge or conform to? Their experiences, values, and lessons are not just etched into our DNA, but also deeply embedded in our worldviews and actions, connecting us to our past and reminding us of that we are alive.

In honoring our ancestors, we preserve their legacy and empower ourselves to live authentically, guided by their whispers of truth and self-discovery.

Building an altar is one simple way to build or nourish this relationship with our loved ones- being blood or chosen.

1. Set your intentions

Why do you want to connect with your ancestors?

Maybe you want to bring their values into your daily life

Practice gratitude for just existing and being alive

2. Choose a special spot for your altar

Choose a designated space for "intentional communication with your ancestor." You can also create a mobile one for on-the-go.

3. Display objects that represent your ancestors

Show objects that remind you of your traditions, intent, and projects you are working on. It can be objects, symbols, photographs, art. I like to have the 4 elements present:

Water:  bowl or glass of water, shells, watercolor paintings, rain sticks

Air: Feathers, incense smoke, leaves, flags

Fire: Candles, incense burning, sun symbols

Earth: Plants, flowers, seeds, soil, crystals, stones.

4. Start your ritual

Start by lighting your candle and setting your intention. Acknowledge and give gratitude to your ancestors for showing up. Have a conversation, ask questions, sit in stillness. Whatever feels good in that moment. 

Connect with love, and with our power and strength, we can change the world.


Awaken the Dreamer Within: Create Your Life with Intention


The Space In Between