Awaken the Dreamer Within: Create Your Life with Intention
Karla Ruiz Karla Ruiz

Awaken the Dreamer Within: Create Your Life with Intention

Have you ever felt like life is unfolding before you, but deep inside, you know there's more to it? What if I told you that life, as we experience it, is like a dream—a beautiful, dynamic dream created by our beliefs, perceptions, and the stories we tell ourselves?

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Ancestors & Altars
Karla Ruiz Karla Ruiz

Ancestors & Altars

Who are our ancestors? They are the souls who walked the Earth before us, leaving footprints that shape our existence. They overcame hardships and found joy in simple pleasures. Their legacy whispers truths to us, reminding us of our inherent power and the support that surrounds us.

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The Space In Between
Karla Ruiz Karla Ruiz

The Space In Between

The Space In Between meditation, by Don Miguel Ruiz, is about finding those quiet moments between your thoughts and breaths where you can truly connect with yourself. Imagine these moments as a sanctuary within you, a peaceful escape from the busyness of everyday life.

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The Power of Awareness
Karla Ruiz Karla Ruiz

The Power of Awareness

Awareness is a powerful catalyst for transformation. In the journey of clearing the Smokey Mirror, awareness is the first step. By becoming aware of our limiting beliefs, we can begin to question and transform them. This post will delve into the importance of awareness, how to cultivate it, and the profound impact it can have on your life.

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The Smokey Mirror
Karla Ruiz Karla Ruiz

The Smokey Mirror

The Smokey Mirror is a concept from Don Miguel Ruiz's book The Four Agreements. It refers to the idea that the way we see ourselves is like a reflection in a smokey mirror. Just like smoke can distort a mirror, our self-image can be distorted by the beliefs and judgments we've acquired throughout our lives.

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The Smokey Mirror Excerpt
Karla Ruiz Karla Ruiz

The Smokey Mirror Excerpt

The Smokey Mirror is a concept from Don Miguel Ruiz's book The Four Agreements. It refers to the idea that the way we see ourselves is like a reflection in a smokey mirror. Just like smoke can distort a mirror, our self-image can be distorted by the beliefs and judgments we've acquired throughout our lives.

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